About what3words

Always know exactly where a city’s best hidden secrets are, with what3words

So you clicked on 3 words because you wanted to find out what they mean. Here’s the secret, it’s what3words.

what3words is an easier way to talk about location. It’s given every 3m square in the world a unique combination of three words: a what3words address. For example ///locked.composers.king is the what3words address for the exact 3m square to the entrance of Esters cafe, which features in our guide to 5 Places for Fabulous Breakfast in London here.

We’re using what3words because our authors love to choose lesser known places, which have yet to be found by the masses and will lead you off the beaten track. However, with a what3words address, you’ll always know exactly where to find their recommendations - hassle-free.

To get directions to a what3words address it’s simple. Download the free what3words app, open the app and type in the three words, including the dots, into the search bar. Tap the navigate arrow and use the apps on your phone to get directions straight there.

More info, click here.